
psychology Understanding

Brisbane Digital is experienced in creating models of business processes. Accurate domain modelling reduces friction between the real world and digital systems.

With experience in a variety of industries, we are up to date with modern software products and development practices. This gives us a broad toolkit to draw from.

verified Solutions

Our experience in systems architecture means we deliver solutions in a strategic context, with a view to be open to future integrations and development.

This is important when it comes to efficiency of development, ability to interoperate with various third party products, and to reduce strategic risk by meeting modern standards.

Key Skills

We can provide bespoke solutions that match your existing business intelligence practices, or uplift and tie together existing ad-hoc processes for the goal of whole-of-site integrated reporting.

We promote open architecture and interoperability. This gives clients the freedom to use the best tools for the job and ensures ownership of valuable data. This flexibility enables progressive upgrade paths and phased rollouts that can be adapted to suit changing stakeholder needs. It also reduces risk of vendor lock-in for both tooling and data.

insights Business Process Improvement

Integrated solutions supporting paperless operations and digital compliance.

Realtime data capture in challenging environments.

End user discoverability for analysis

foundation Information Architecture

Digital reporting at various levels, from planning, time & task reporting, short interval control, and time-in-motion studies using machine telemetry data.

Activity reporting over unreliable processes for availability and OEE metrics

Complex statistical analysis, machine learning, predictive models.

build Technical Capability

Solutions for regulated hazardous environments (eg: EX-IA).

Highly available distributed systems and cloud architecture

Software systems and database architecture

directions Guidance

Comparative analysis of digital aspects of tender candidates.

Assistance building in-house technical capability and interview support.

Consultation on digital strategy